CHERIoT is under active development (see the various repositories), but we’ll try to post regular updates here for people that don’t want to consume the commit-message firehose.
Why the alleged ESP32 backdoor couldn't happen here
I don't care about memory safety
Introducing sealed types
Identifiers are not capabilities
Clang 17 now in dev container, and other toolchain news
Using capabilities instead of trusting 3rd party code
CHERI Myths: CHERI is incompatible with safety-critical systems
Finding your way around the CHERIoT ecosystem
Who controls the CHERIoT project? (or: CHERIoT is not WordPress)
The plan for the CHERIoT ISA 1.0 and beyond
Why did you write a new RTOS for CHERIoT?
Improved error handling in CHERIoT RTOS
CHERIoT at the Digital Security by Design All Hands meeting
CHERI Myths: I don't need CHERI if I have safe languages
CHERI Myths: Writing C/C++ for CHERI is hard
£15,000 grants to prototype on CHERIoT
Sharing objects between compartments
How to talk to your parents about hardware memory safety
Formally verifying security properties of CHERI processors
CHERIoT projects moving into the CHERIoT Platform org
Safe and Secure Configuration Management on CHERIoT
The CHERIoT philosophy is designed to prevent things like the CrowdStrike disaster
Simplifying a key-value service using CHERIoT
Sentries for control-flow integrity
From zero to CHERIoT in two minutes with Sonata
Moving CHERIoT RTOS to a tickless model
CHERIoT at CyberUK
Avoiding stack overflows on CHERIoT
CHERIoT and the supply chain
Compartmentalising network stacks with CHERIoT
Announcing CHERIoT-Audit
🚩Flag day for the compiler / RTOS!🚩
Porting from FreeRTOS
Shrinking the scheduler
Try the CHERIoT platform on the Arty A7 100T FPGA
CHERIoT at the RISC-V Summit North America 2023
CHERIoT at the Digital Security by Design All Hands meeting
CHERIoT Programmers' Guide drafts online
Ibex simulator now available in the devcontainer
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