Since its creation, the CHERIoT DevContainer has included the simulator built from the Sail formal model. This is an instruction-accurate simulator and is the gold model for the CHERIoT ISA.

With the work from Microsoft on providing a complete FPGA simulation environment for the CHERIoT Ibex, it’s now possible to build a complete simulation. If you have an Arty A7, you should be able to build this platform and run at a realistic speed.

For the rest of us, there’s verilator. Verilator builds a software simulation from the verilog. This is now built in two configurations in the dev container:

  • cheriot_ibex_safe_sim runs the simulation.
  • cheriot_ibex_safe_sim_trace runs the simulation and writes a file with per-instruction tracing.

These expect two files containing hex dumps of memory in the firmware directory (a subdirectory of the working directory). The first, cpu0_irom.vhx contains ROM bootloader code. It’s sufficient for this to contain a single jump instruction that branches to cpu0_iram.vhx.

Creating these is not completely trivial and so we’ve included a script to run with the simulator. This script, in turn, is invoked by xmake run. If you’re in the dev container, it will find all of the tools that it needs automatically.

This means that you can now build and run the examples in a simulation that behaves like real hardware (only much slower):

$ cd cheriot-rtos/examples/01.hello_world/
$ xmake config --sdk=/cheriot-tools/ --board=ibex-safe-simulator
checking for platform ... cheriot
checking for architecture ... cheriot
generating /home/cheriot/cheriot-rtos/sdk/ ... ok
$ xmake 
[ 23%]: cache compiling.release ../../sdk/lib/atomic/
[ 95%]: linking firmware build/cheriot/cheriot/release/hello_world
[ 95%]: Creating firmware report build/cheriot/cheriot/release/hello_world.json
[ 95%]: Creating firmware dump build/cheriot/cheriot/release/hello_world.dump
[100%]: build ok, spent 1.58s
warning: /home/cheriot/cheriot-rtos/sdk/xmake.lua:102: unknown language value 'c2x', it may be 'c89'
warning: add -v for getting more warnings ..
$ xmake run
Reading firmware/cpu0_irom.vhx
%Warning: firmware/cpu0_irom.vhx:33: $readmem file ended before specified final address (IEEE 2017 21.4)
%Warning: firmware/cpu0_iram.vhx:9449: $readmem file ended before specified final address (IEEE 2017 21.4)
Hello world compartment: Hello world
Error handler: Thread exit CSP=0x20040930 (v:1 0x20040730-0x20040930 l:0x200 o:0x0 p: - RWcgml -- ---)
swci_main exiting with return code 00

If something goes wrong, you can try rerunning with cheriot_ibex_safe_sim_trace:

$ cd build/cheriot/cheriot/release
$ $ /cheriot-tools/bin/cheriot_ibex_safe_sim_trace 
Reading firmware/cpu0_irom.vhx
%Warning: firmware/cpu0_irom.vhx:33: $readmem file ended before specified final address (IEEE 2017 21.4)
%Warning: firmware/cpu0_iram.vhx:9449: $readmem file ended before specified final address (IEEE 2017 21.4)
TOP.swci_vtb.dut.msftDvIp_cheri0_subsystem_i.msftDvIp_cheri_core0_i.msftDvIp_cheri_core_wrapper_i.ibex_top_i.u_ibex_tracer.printbuffer_dumpline.unnamedblk1: Writing execution trace to trace_core_00000000.log
Hello world compartment: Hello world
Error handler: Thread exit CSP=0x20040930 (v:1 0x20040730-0x20040930 l:0x200 o:0x0 p: - RWcgml -- ---)
swci_main exiting with return code 00
$ ls -lah trace_core_00000000.log 
-rw-r--r--. 1 cheriot cheriot 13M Oct 17 13:11 trace_core_00000000.log

Note that these trace files can get quite large: 13 MiB from the hello world example!